During the day the workplace can get hectic. Employees moving about to complete their work may not be aware of hazards in their area. Danger, Warning and Caution tags can help safeguard the health of your workers. Shadowgraph manufactures durable screen-printed safety tags customized for applications ranging from inventory control to accident prevention and Lock Out / Tag Out. Safety tags communicate safety instructions and increase awareness of potential hazards. Blank and pre-printed header safety tags have pre-printed OSHA headers with blank areas below to write custom messages.
Provide immediate identification of the hazard by using the appropriate message for your tag. Hot surface and substance safety tags mark areas where high-temperature equipment and hot water bring an increased risk of burn injuries, damaged materials, or fires.
Lock Out / Tag Out tags prevent the movement of all machinery or equipment being serviced. Status alert tags provide updates on inspection. Communicate records with Status Record tags. Protect the lives of your workers with Scaffold tags. Quickly identify dangerous chemicals with Hazmat tags.
Improve safety in your workplace and stay in compliance with the right message for your safety tag. Confined space tags are used to discourage unauthorized entry to areas with limited entry or exit. Restricted area and authorized personnel safety tags mark restricted areas where only those with permission are allowed to enter.
Custom Tags are ideal for various applications and environments to meet your specific needs. Use Custom Tags to enhance the organization in your workplace with color-coding and sequential numbering. Tags can be custom die cut, perforated, serialized, and provided with eyelets or grommets for easy attachment. Lamination adds extra protection and self-laminating covers can be added to protect user information.